Don’t Smile at a Gorilla and Don’t Ask Your Hiring Manager to “Follow the Process”

Both things make them angry. The first I’ve heard; the second I know for sure.

I don’t know personally about the gorilla aversion to smiling, but I’m very familiar with the hiring manager aversion to being told to “follow the process”. Be nice if that was all it took to get cooperation, wouldn’t it? Just tell them the steps of the process, and they will become willing participants.

That isn’t usually reality. It is unarguably true that if hiring managers followed your process, life would be better. Equally true is that it’s highly unlikely they are going to just start doing that spontaneously.

I have heard some recruiters say they just tell the managers what they are supposed to do, and they do it. Frankly I doubt that approach works on a long term basis. And I doubt the managers are happy to be “told” what they have to do. So even if the manager gets you what you want (at least this time), you aren’t building a trusted advisor relationship. Equally devastating, they may not go anywhere near your process in the future.

Interestingly, the stronger that relationship, the easier it is to get process compliance.  So what can you do to get what you need to conduct a successful search without letting on that they are following a process?

First, don’t try to get what you want by telling them it’s part of “the process” that they do such and such. Instead, just tell them in your most matter-of-fact tone what the next step is in conducting the search. Now we do X or now it’s time to do Y. HINT: Don’t tell them why they need to do that step unless they ask. I’ve found less talk often gets more compliance.

Think of it like teaching them to dance. One step at a time. Your left foot goes here, your right foot goes here.

Try it. And for a method to get commitment from your hiring managers without using the dreaded P word, see the articles:

And of course read this article about what to do when they don’t keep that commitment. It can happen and it can be changed!

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